When you think of tarps, what comes to mind? It’s probably a mental image of farmers using them to keep hay dry in the rain or similar agricultural use. When you think about it, though, that doesn’t cover all the different ways tarps can get used. These instrumental pieces of fabric have a number of different uses and functions that go far beyond keeping hay dry.

Tarps are extremely versatile and can be utilized in several creative and unexpected ways. In this blog post, we will take a look at five creative uses for tarps You haven’t thought about

1. Protecting and Storing Equipment

Farm and agricultural equipment is very expensive, so protecting it from the elements is important. A tarp can help keep a tractor or trailer dry and prevent rust from forming on the equipment. 

You can also use a tarp to cover and protect other expensive equipment, like a wood splitter, lawn mower, or any other equipment you want to keep out of the weather. If you live close to a farm and have access to hay bales, you can use a tarp to cover them and protect them from the rain.

It is beneficial if you have livestock or live in a rural area, as hay can be expensive and hard to come by. If you have a hobby that requires you to use tools or equipment that may get damaged by the weather, a silver tarp can protect those items from the rain, sun, and other inclement weather conditions.

2. Emergency Shelters

Tarps are incredibly useful in a survival situation. If you find yourself in a situation where you must survive outdoors for an extended period of time, you can use a tarp to make a makeshift emergency shelter. It can keep you warm on cold nights and protect you from elements like rain and wind.

You can make an emergency shelter using a tarp in many different ways. You can construct a basic lean-to with your tarp or make a tarp “tent” by tying the tarp’s corners to trees or other nearby objects. You can tie the tarp to the ground and make a hammock-type structure.

3. Outdoor Art Installations

As an artist, you can also use tarps in several creative ways. An interesting way to use a tarp is to create an outdoor art installation. You can create a pop-up installation or find a permanent place to hang your art on a tarp. It can be handy if there are no walls or other surfaces nearby where you can display your art.

A tarp is a highly portable and easy-to-use fabric, so you can easily move it around as needed. It’s also easy to store when you aren’t using it.

4. Use It to Grow Food

You may not think of using a tarp to grow food, but it’s a brilliant idea. If you have limited space for gardening, you can stack up a few tarps and use them to grow plants, such as tomatoes and peppers. 

There are several ways that you can go about this. One option is to lay the tarps on the ground and use them as “beds” for your plants. You can also build a frame out of wood or other materials to support the tarps and make the setup sturdy.

Another option is to build a vertical “wall” of tarps by stacking a few on each other. You can either construct a wooden frame for this or use bricks or stones to keep the tarps upright.

5. Protect Windows From Hail Damage

If you live in a particularly stormy area prone to hail or extreme weather, you may want to protect your windows from damage. A tarp is a quick and easy way to do this. You can drape the tarp over the window or attach it to the windowsill with clips or other similar devices.

This is a cheap and easy way to prevent damage to your windows, and you can remove the tarp after the storm has passed.

Bottom Line

You can use tarps for so many different things, both indoors and outdoors. From protecting your windows to growing your produce, tarps are incredibly versatile and can be used in several creative ways. They’re also very affordable and instrumental, regardless of your situation. So next time you see a tarp, don’t think about how a farmer uses it. Think about how you can use it!