mobile banking app

Mobile banking apps have become the norm for tech-savvy banking customers, as they prefer to access their bank accounts with the click of a button rather than visiting a physical branch. Banks also support by building rich applications that deliver the most amazing user experience. However, this is where many players get stuck as they don’t differentiate between a poor and great user experience. This is an issue that can cause customers to abandon your application and even consider another bank for their account.

Given this, it will be important for banks to review their mobile banking app development strategy and work on the UX they offer. Therefore, the user experience becomes one of the most valuable variables for improving the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty. If you encounter difficulties in this situation, here are some useful tips that will help you improve the user experience provided by your mobile banking application.

1.Remember that security should be a priority in banking applications

A secure and simple UX is the cornerstone of a banking app’s success, but ensuring security across two different operating systems can be a huge challenge. The idea is to strike a balance between security and a good UX. While developers have resorted to integrating multi-factor authentication into apps, user response has not been favorable. A professional mobile application development company will make suggestions such as the use of technologies such as fingerprint or facial or voice recognition. These innovative technologies have the ability to take application security to the next level without affecting the usability factor.

2. Seamless integration of legacy systems with the customer interface

Customers using mobile banking app expect faster and more convenient services than those provided by existing legacy systems. What banks need to do is integrate existing back-end systems and manual processes with the customer-facing interface. The current approach to integration includes building an application layer around legacy systems to create a client interface; this seems feasible because the end-to-end transformation would involve a large upgrade of legacy systems.

3. Personalized customer support services are the winning strategy

UX personalization is the winning strategy for mobile apps of all kinds, and banking apps are no exception. Smart gamers would then work on ideas like customizing home screens, choosing colors, and changing font sizes. Adding how-to guides and easy access to customer support buttons are other useful customization ideas. Additionally, apps can use geolocation-based notifications and reminders for customers when they’re near the bank. Some other customization ideas are in the form of a budgeting tool and investment advice.

4. The adoption of innovative technologies can take banking applications to the next level

Innovative technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to take mobile banking apps to the next level. As mentioned above, facial and voice recognition are becoming the foundation of application security as chatbots are adopted to replace the human customer service function. Voice-enabled AI can be integrated into the app to allow users to search and even make payments.

5. Simplified navigation and reduced input make the app valuable

Another suggestion to improve the UX level of your banking app is to optimize its navigation and reduce the level of input required by the user. Ideally, the app should have smooth navigation and simple redirects that make the user journey easier. User-friendly elements like search boxes, section navigation tools, and in-app tags can do the trick. Likewise, a little effort on the part of the customer can make a huge difference to the UX, as no user would want to enter too much information while using it. Auto-suggestion, predictive text, and spell check can greatly reduce user effort.


Banks looking to create amazing banking app experiences should take advantage of professional mobile app design services to ensure they can implement all of these tips and more. It’s worth it because, ultimately, a great UX can determine the success of a bank’s mobile presence and its positioning in the competitive services landscape.