As the weather transitions from season to season, there are always a few things around the house that need your attention. Oftentimes it seems that the weather changes so suddenly that we’re caught off guard before we get a chance to take these important maintenance steps, so you should always make sure to complete them well ahead of any dramatic changes in the thermometer or the skies. Here are eight things you should keep on the front burner as fall approaches.

Roof Repairs

Your roof takes a lot of harsh treatment in the winter. If it’s not ready, your home could suffer some very expensive water damage. Make sure that summertime thunderstorms haven’t broken or blown off any shingles. Check your attic and ceilings for any signs of water damage. If you’re seeing a lot of grit in your gutters from your shingles, it may be time for an entirely new roof before winter.

Closing Your Pool

We all have that neighbor who simply turns off the pump and lets the pool go every winter. This is very bad for all parts of your pool! Your neighbor may save some time this fall, but next spring will bring hours of vacuuming, backwashing, and treating with chemicals. 

As your swimming season wraps up, make a call to an experienced pool cleaner service in Doctor Phillips if you live in Florida, and get your pool properly cleaned and closed for winter.

Servicing Your HVAC

In warm climates like Florida, it can be easy to forget how important it is to have your home’s heating system ready for use. Most years bring mild conditions, but there is always that one bad year waiting in the wings to put your furnace or heat pump through its wintertime paces. 

As hard as it is to think about heaters during 100-degree summertime temps, you should still be planning to have your contractor prepare your system for winter sometime in those late summer conditions.

Cleaning Gutters and Downspouts

Every homeowner in Florida should always be alert to the condition of their complete home drainage systems, including not just gutters and downspouts but also ditches, culverts, and grates. Late hurricanes and wintertime downpours will send lots of water your way, so your home must be prepared. Clean your gutters thoroughly to remove leaves, twigs, and even the occasional baseball. Make sure they flow freely into the downspouts and that the downspouts discharge properly at the bottom.

Bad Gaskets and Door Sweeps

When you buy windows and doors for your home, you pay lots of attention to their insulating ability, as you should. However, that investment is wasted if the seals around doors and windows are leaky.

Make sure that any loose gaskets, door sweeps, and thresholds are tightened or repaired before cooler weather. Seal gaps with an appropriate caulk to minimize air leakage.

Walkway Hazards

Snow and ice are rare in Florida, but winter does bring plenty of rain. No matter what form the precipitation takes, it can make your home’s sidewalks, driveways, porches, and steps slick and dangerous. 

Check the condition of all outdoor walking surfaces, making sure to seal cracks, tighten loose boards, and inspect the condition of all wooden components so that you and your guests will have safe entry to the home.

Broken and Dead Limbs

Winter means the passage of cold fronts, and cold fronts bring strong winds. If your trees have weak or dead limbs, the weather you experience this fall could be enough to dislodge them and send them falling onto your home or vehicles, or even onto someone walking under them. 

Have an arborist visit you to check your larger trees for hazards so that they can be removed under controlled conditions instead of at the hands of a strong gust of wind.

Outdoor Lighting

As the days get shorter, you’ll see more dark hours around your home. If your outdoor fixtures need new bulbs, photosensors, or other work, take care of that in the fall so that your home is properly illuminated for safety and security during those long winter nights.

Bottom Line

It’s always true that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The repairs you make in the fall will be much easier and much less expensive than waiting until winter sets in to get them taken care of. Button-down your home early in the fall for a stress-free winter.