
Writing a resume for an internship can be difficult. Your resume serves as your introduction to the businesses you are trying to work for in order to make a good first impression.

Recruiters and hiring managers typically only give each resume less than seven seconds of their time due to the overwhelming number of applications for each position. Therefore, it is your duty as a candidate to think of strategies to grab the attention of persons reading your resume in those seven seconds. For the internship courses online you can attend the internship program in India.

We have worked with hundreds of interns and host firms at Virtual Internships, and we are now providing our six-step manual for creating the greatest internship CV. Additionally, a quick way to get a remote internship that will make you stand out.

What is a resume for an internship?

As the name implies, an internship resume (or CV, if you’re reading this in the UK) is a document that lists your most important qualifications for employment that you may submit with an application for an internship.

The one objective of your internship CV is to secure an interview with the business or recruiter.

This is the ideal opportunity to emphasise how you can aid in a company’s expansion because of this. Additionally, the main emphasis of these resumes is on your talents, credentials, and competencies.

Writing the Best Internship Resume: A 6-Step Guide

Students and new grads sometimes have limited work experience to list on their resumes. However, even a small portion of what you have may be used to create a standout CV when well designed.

Here’s how to make a standout internship resume from beginning, from coming up with parts to include to revising it in a way that would impress the hiring manager/recruiter:

Step 1: Select the Most Effective Resume Format

A good internship resume accomplishes two tasks: it has a structured layout and all the required elements.

The relevant parts will be covered later, but it’s crucial to decide on your format before filling out the bulk of your resume. The following list is an ideal arrangement for an internship resume:

Header with your contact details

A resume aim that lists your strengths and the positions you are seeking

phase of your education that emphasises your academic achievement

Section on work experience (paradoxical? Yes, but we’ll demonstrate how to make this successful.)

Please include your most pertinent skills in the skills section.

References (if applicable) (if applicable)

Your internship resume will probably include more information in addition to the aforementioned, such as interests, credentials, hobbies, and more.

Step 2: Start with the header

The aim of your resume and your contact details are often included in a heading.

So, start by entering your contact information and personal information. List your name, phone number, email address, and links to your website or LinkedIn page at the top (ideally in strong type) (if applicable).

Ensure that your email address is appropriate. Use of your high school email address won’t be tolerated by the hiring manager just because you are applying for an internship.

Add a compelling resume opening statement or objective next. Your opportunity to grab the reader’s interest and persuade them to read more comes in this part. Aim for two to three phrases, and include your:

subject of research

relevant knowledge and expertise

Why are you applying for this particular internship in particular? (Top tip: be sure to modify this for each internship so it is unique to the experience you’re likely to get.)

Your resume objectives don’t have to have a specific title, just like your contact information. Simply put it below or next to your contact information (depending on the resume format).

Step 3: Emphasize Your Education

As a high school or college student or recent graduate with little to no work experience, you are most likely preparing an internship resume. The focus of your resume in this scenario will be the schooling section.

For this reason, each student or recent graduate must provide the following information in the education portion of their internship resume:

School, college, or university name

details about your significant

Relevant academic work (remember only to include those that are relevant to the internship)

Dean’s list distinctions (if any)

Participation in any study abroad programmes or extracurricular activities Honors courses like Summa Cum Laude Grades or GPA (if they are impressive enough to put on your resume)

It’s crucial that you avoid listing everything in this situation. Instead, limit your inclusions to work that is pertinent to the internship you are looking for.

Step 4: Three Great Substitutions for Work Experience

Although you might not think you have any professional experience, you can nevertheless emphasise a number of other events to show your dedication to growth in their place. By emphasising these experiences in your CV, you could be able to stand out from the competition among the shortlisted candidates.

The top three alternatives to including work experience on your resume are as follows:

Additional Academic Activities

Activities outside of the classroom are a terrific opportunity to show off your variety of transferrable and job-ready talents, which companies are actively looking for. Giving yourself a fighting chance against candidates with more experience by including these in the work experience section!

The five extracurricular activities listed below are ones you might want to list on your resume:

Sports Student Council or comparable recognition Clubs/societies that you are a member of that focus on foreign languages

Occupational activities


You can list any unpaid work or volunteer experience that is applicable to the internship position in this section. Volunteering sections on your resume not only highlight your employability but also show that you have a strong sense of purpose.

According to research, including relevant volunteer experience on your CV can lead to new professional opportunities.

When discussing your volunteer experience, attempt to place accomplishments over duties, just as you would with skills and education.


You will stand out among applicants without job experience if your resume highlights an internship experience. Therefore, if you have ever interned for a firm, now is the time to mention it.

Step 5: List Your Skills

Make sure that your talents are appropriate for each internship opportunity because employers may have various requirements.

The ideal approach is to create a master list that includes examples. You will find all of your skills on this list. Additionally, you may divide up soft and hard abilities into separate areas.

Once completed, this master list will serve as your starting point for choosing the most important talents when you modify your CV for various internship situations.

Additionally, be sure to use them liberally throughout your CV. Some may be mentioned in the education, experience, and even the objective portions of your resume.

Step 6: Extra Section for Maximum Impact: Miscellaneous

Your internship CV could seem a little bare if you have little to no professional experience. If this applies to you, you might want to add the following sections:

Hobbies and interests Languages


But having a one-page, succinct, straightforward CV is frequently valued. Avoid the temptation to stuff your resume with unnecessary information by only including things that are relevant, intriguing, or that you are really passionate about.

Edit and improve

You’ve just put up a résumé with all the pertinent details that demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for the internship. Here are three editing hints to make your resume extra crisp before you submit it:

Keep it Brief

It’s important to keep your resume brief unless you have several years of experience. Freshmen only need a one-page résumé, so be careful not to go overboard.

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