Call and raise, also known as chaal in the card game Teen Patti, are two important actions that players can take during a round of play. These actions can be used to either stay in the game, or increase the stakes of the game.

When a player calls, they are essentially matching the previous bet made by another player. This means that they are committing to staying in the game and are willing to put the same amount of money as the previous bet on the table. Calling can be a good option for players who have a strong hand and want to see the next card, or for those who are trying to bluff their way through the game.

Raising, on the other hand, is when a player increases the amount of the bet. This can be done by adding an additional amount of money to the bet, or by “re-raising”, which means increasing the bet even further. Raising can be a good option for players who have a strong hand and want to increase the stakes of the game, or for those who are trying to bluff their way through the game by making it appear that they have a strong hand.

Important to note

It is important to note that both call and raise can be used as a strategic move in teen patti. For example, if a player has a strong hand and wants to increase the stakes of the game, they may choose to raise in order to try and get other players to fold. On the other hand, if a player has a weak hand and wants to try and bluff their way through the game, they may choose to call or even raise in order to try and mislead their opponents into thinking they have a stronger hand.

One important factor to consider when deciding whether to call or raise is the size of the pot. The pot is the total amount of money that has been bet during the round of play. If the pot is large, it may be more advantageous for a player to raise in order to try and win a bigger payout. On the other hand, if the pot is small, it may be more advantageous for a player to call in order to minimize their risk and potentially see the next card.

Another factor to consider is the position of the player. In teen patti, the position of the player is determined by the order in which they act during a round of play. Players who act earlier in the round, known as “early position”, have less information about their opponents’ hands and may be more likely to call in order to gather more information. Players who act later in the round, known as “late position”, have more information about their opponents’ hands and may be more likely to raise in order to increase the stakes or try and bluff their way through the game.

It is also important to consider the other players at the table when deciding whether to call or raise. If a player is up against opponents who are known to be aggressive, they may be more likely to call in order to avoid getting into a bidding war. On the other hand, if a player is up against opponents who are known to be passive, they may be more likely to raise in order to try and win the pot without much resistance.


In conclusion, call and raise, or chaal, are two important actions that players can take during a round of play in the card game Dehla Pakad These actions can be used to either stay in the game, or increase the stakes of the game. It is important for players to consider the size of the pot, their position at the table, and the other players at the table when deciding whether to call or raise. By using call and raise strategically, players can increase their chances of winning in teen patti