People travel for a variety of reasons, including looking for adventurous experiences that they can’t get at home. If you have an adventurous spirit, there are things you can do in planning your next vacation to make it more exciting. These tips will help you get more out of each trip regardless of your destination.

Go By Yourself

While traveling with a larger group can help you bond with friends and loved ones, it also limits the adventurous nature of your trip. Everyone in your group may not be as adventurous or spontaneous as you when it comes to trying new things. Try to travel with just one other person or by yourself. In addition to making it easier to try new experiences, you’ll feel more compelled to meet people during your travels.

Immerse Yourself in Local Culture

When you travel and meet people in the new communities you visit, pay attention to what your new acquaintances say about their communities. This will help you discover things to do that won’t be on the “must-see” lists for more traditional tourists. Ask locals about restaurants, theaters, nightclubs, and other venues that they regularly visit.

Volunteer With Nonprofit Organizations

Rather than spending your vacation on a sightseeing tour, look for ways to get involved in the communities you visit. One of the best ways of doing this is to volunteer with nonprofits that help those communities. 

Many organizations will offer free room and board in exchange for work. This might involve building homes, farming, or taking care of endangered animals. This is also a great way to do more on a limited budget.

Explore Your Options for Transportation

While taking a bus or taxi will get you around, you might be limited in the detours you can take. It will be easier to make frequent stops and see more of the things that interest you when you have more control over your transportation. 

For example, when you arrive in your destination city, you can search for a “motorcycle rental near me.” Renting a motorcycle will help you get around more easily, and you’ll enjoy the outdoors more fully during your getaway.

Extend Your Budget

Look for ways to spend less money on basics. Search for private rentals instead of hotel suites to save on your accommodations. If you find a rental with a kitchenette, you can buy groceries locally and spend less money on restaurant dining. Making these changes in planning your trip will leave you with more money for entertainment and attractions.

Prepare for a Less Pampered Experience

You can either plan a luxurious vacation or an adventurous trip. In most cases, you just can’t have both experiences at the same time. If you’re willing to compromise on luxury and comfort, you can experience the diverse cultures you visit more fully. 

For example, staying with a local family can help you experience what it’s like to really live in that community. You might not have access to an outdoor swimming pool or fitness center, but you will learn much more about communities that are unfamiliar to you.

Leave the Beaten Path

Seeing the popular sites in any vacation spot can be fun, but it will limit your ability to find adventure. Look for things to do that aren’t in most guidebooks. When you want to see a historical site, skip the guided tour. 

Instead, download a phone app that will help you explore the site by yourself. You might learn more with travel apps than you would learn from a tour guide who is trying to keep the experience safe for guests of all ages.

Be Willing to Change Your Plans

Expect the unexpected and you’ll have a much more enjoyable experience. While you should have some basic plans in place before you take your vacation, it’s important to anticipate inconveniences. 

You might have to change hotel rooms, or you might not be able to eat at a popular restaurant that you had your heart set on experiencing. While these situations are disappointing, they can open you up to entirely different options that you might not have otherwise experienced. Keep an open mind and go with the flow.

Bottom Line

Planning an adventure doesn’t mean you have to be unsafe. Don’t be afraid to get vacation experience and research your plans in advance. You can still have an exciting trip when you’re prepared for unexpected emergencies, and you’ll be better prepared to get help in those situations.