Google Update
Google updates

Google search engine updates and there are almost three updates annually, and a large number of sites are affected by them a large number of site owners begin to complain and complain, and many of them lose hope and leave their site after spending months or years working on it.

There are some steps, if you follow them, you will not worry about your site, no matter how much Google makes updates, because the SEO rules are clear and explicit, follow them, and you will not worry about your site and make Google trust your site and raise the assets in it quickly.

On Fastani Online, we have written an article about the secrets of SEO for 2021, which you can view to learn about the most important things in the world of SEO, which is the future of the Internet, e-marketing, and profit from the Internet.

SEO rules that if you follow them you will not worry about your site from Google updates.

With each update, its rules become tighter due to competition and complaints that some sites top important keywords even though they are not worthy and they do not respect SEO rules, all you have to do is make your site integrated taking into account the strict rules of Google and SEO.

Keep your topics long more than 600 words

If you intend to make a new site, make the topics of your site more than 600 words and preferably more than a thousand words, because Google views short topics as weak content, so make your topics but provide valuable information and not try to procrastinate in topics to reach 600 or a thousand words because the reader gets bored of your topic and leaves your site and this is what you do not want.

Don’t forget to add an ALT tag to your topic images

Yes, the ALT tag for images is one of the most important factors in the export of your images to search engines and is also a very important element in the SEO of the subject, and the ALT tag helps Google to understand the content of the image and make it appear in the Google search engine for images.

Important note: Don’t forget to name the images before uploading them to your site, as this will make them more SEO-friendly.

Compress images before uploading them to your site

One of the most important factors for the top search engines is the speed of opening your site page to be opened quickly, you must reduce the size of the images you upload to your topics in WordPress You can use some of the most famous tools that compress images, such as the WP Smush plugin and the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin, and there are many other add-ons, but these plugins are the best.

And if you are a user of blogger blogs, you can use special sites in the field of image compression, such as jpeg compressor, which specializes in compressing images from JPEG format, and there is also tiny jpg, which also specializes in this field.

Important note: According to experts in the field of SEO, the image should not be larger than 24 KB.

Don’t put a large number of videos in your topics

Placing videos in abundance in your topics will increase the size of the topic page of your site, and this will make the speed of opening the topic in which you put a large number of videos very slow and will not top search engines because of their slowness, and this makes it against SEO rules, and if you must put more than one video in the topic, reduce the size of the video frame.

Use Internal Links correctly

Internal links are one of the most important factors of SEO in the field of On Page Seo, and if you use them correctly, they make your topics top the search engines and are not affected by any update from Google or any other search engine.

The right way to make internal links

  1. Place the internal link on a word related to the topic you are referring to with the link.
  2. Put the internal link to a topic within the content If you are talking about SEO, make internal links to a topic of the same content, i.e. related to SEO.
  3. Do not write between the lines a topic that may interest you put the title of the topic and put the internal link on it.
  4. Do not go down topics also write other important topics and write below it topic titles and put internal links.
  5. Don’t overdo internal links within your topics and put only two links per thousand words.
  6. You should read about website structure to understand more about the methods of placing internal links professionally.

Do not make backlinks from sites that harm your site

Doing backlink work is important for your site and your topics to increase the website and pages and thus make your topics top the search engines, things you should consider when doing backlink:

  • The choice of Assyrian sites has more than 15.
  • Don’t do too many backlinks daily because Google will consider that spam.
  • Do not put backlinks to your site in Spam Score sites where they are high.
  • Make a backlink from the Assyrian forums in which there is a high and Spam Score in which there is little, and most importantly, write a topic in the forum and then put the backlink on a keyword.
  • Do not put backlinks to your site or topics in the comments of the sites because they have become harmful and not beneficial.
  • Stay away from sites that generate backlinks because they harm your site.
  • Don’t buy backlinks from sites you don’t expect to continue.
  • Try to make a day a week for the Guest Posts from sites with persistence, high research, and low spam score, and to put your backlink in an artistic way that does not make the site owner suspect that the reason for the article is getting a backlink.

Pay attention to grammatical and grammatical errors in your essays

Yes, linguistic and grammatical errors make your site vulnerable to the damage of Google updates and this is something you should avoid, if your site is new, check articles grammatically and linguistically, and if your site is old, review all your articles and correct them linguistically and grammatically.

How do I check my site’s articles grammatically and linguistically?

  1. Download the English language and grammar check add-on on the Firefox browser and open your site on the browser and you will see linguistic errors.
  2. You can go to Google Docs and copy your articles into it and you will see grammatical errors.

Important note: Google does not recognize the colloquial language, so write your articles in classical Arabic in a distinctive way free of linguistic errors, to make Google trust your site and increase its research and also not be affected by Google updates.

Every week make a Broken Links Check for your site

You have to make a weekly day to make review all the topics of your site to make sure that they are free of links that do not work or are damaged in English called Broken Link, which is very harmful to SEO and search engines and makes your topics affected by Google updates.

Broken Links Check work sites

  1. BrokenlinkCheck.Com
  2. Deadlinkchecker.Com


When you apply all the steps that we have mentioned, you will not worry no matter how much Google makes updates because you will have made your site strictly compliant with the strict laws of SEO and search engines, and you will have made your site safe and your site visits will not decrease with each update.

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