medical waste
Image Sources: Trikon clinical waste UK

Medical waste should be stored for disposal prior to the process of treatment in a way that minimises the risk of coming into contact with humans (workers and patients and also people in general) and the environment around it.

The design and layout of bins for medical waste methods is an essential element in the management of medical waste. This is determining the procedure and timing at which waste must be transferred from the location of collection to the storage and then away from the facility.

There are many ways to explain the storage and collection methods you have. Keep in mind the prevention method. Whose responsibility is it to dispose of medical waste? Everyone who works within the facility is responsible.

If there’s a compactor in the area it is possible to double the amount before it’s taken away. Larger facilities (hospitals and research labs) can make use of carts that have wheels to move waste containers around the facility.


Recycling garbage into separate bins is an excellent method of reducing the disposal and the chance of. Some people are wary because it requires work upfront (ideally right after waste has be produce) however the benefits are generally worth it.

To efficiently sort, you must create the non-contamination of clinical waste that is understood by all. Employees who produce garbage at the ground level must be aware of the appropriate routes for garbage, i.e. what materials should be into the garbage stream. Sometimes, the world may create (or to at minimum suggest) categories to place in.

It’s not necessary that all health facilities use identical waste classifications; however, the consistency can be beneficial. It’s a smart way to manage your waste to stick in line with your waste categories, and not make changes frequently.

If you’re planning on becoming an organisation that recycles according to authorities in your area,, then fantastic! That means you’ll have to install containers for recyclable materials and teach your employees how to use the bins correctly.

Sorting is an integral element of sorting. Most health facilities sort waste at the beginning of the process or when it is first introduced into the recycling process. It’s generally not practical to dump your waste at one place only to sort it later.

Recycling facilities in metro areas offer this service. They have huge facilities to sort. However the waste management manager isn’t convince that this is useful in all instances.

Waste managers frequently get frustrate because they are unable to get their employees to segregate. It’s often too costly to separate them at one location.

Containers that hold infectious waste shouldn’t be place in areas with public access because people with illnesses and visitors may make use of the containers and in contact with potentially dangerous waste products.

Bins for collection must be locate near to wash facilities and sinks since this is the in which staff members typically on gloves and aprons while caring for patients.

It is possible to put up posters to be display on the walls of your workplace for employees to remind them to separate according to the categories you’ve.

Employees should be regularly inform that it is the responsibility to the employee in the production of waste. The problem of waste is a matter to everyone, not just those in charge of managing waste.

Making The Waste Categories For Your Facility

The 80/20 rule, which is widely use throughout the globe? It basically says that a small percentage of the waste eliminate is the large amount of money need to handle.

The exact method of breakdown might not be as straightforward as 80/20, you’ll need to calculate the numbers – however, the basic concept is applicable to any facility that produces different types of waste. It means you’ll cut expenses by segregating your waste.

Different facilities perform different tasks, so the best types of waste can be different. Large hospitals generate a variety of waste, and an immense quantity of it. Dental offices produce a quantity which is less and has a more uniform waste. Here are some examples of different categories:

  •         Compostable (e.g. food waste from employees)
  •         Municipal solid waste
  •         Recycling (cardboard aluminum cans and paper)
  •         Autoclave waste
  •         Radioactive waste
  •         Hazardous waste

The categories should be formulate only after a thorough analysis of the waste facility produces. Take time to think about the classification system.

Benefits From A Broad Range Of Categories:

  •         This could result in a lower cost in treatment, and possibly lower disposal cost.
  •         Prevents a single stream of waste from getting too big.
  •         The advantages and disadvantages of a number of kinds of
  •         Many containers are required

Increases the likelihood employees are confuse and place waste in the wrong containers. This increases the risk of employees becoming confuse and placing waste in the incorrect.

Bio hazardous Waste Collection

It is normal to use plastic bags with red colour for the collection of medical waste disposal.

Segregation must be during the entire day. Do not have other items inside biohazard container. Medical devices, radioactive substances, batteries, and other products that may contain heavy metals.

Be sure to include any pharmaceuticals or bodily components (anatomical or pathological) along with other general clinical waste that’s not dangerous (MSW). Your facility must be equip to handle these substances.

Bags, IV tubes and other IV devices aren’t appropriate for use in these containers unless there’s a noticeable blood flow in the area.


Set a regular collection schedule. The collection personnel must empty the room-level waste containers and put them in a larger container in the storage area.

In the case of the collection of non-clinical disposal will vary based on operational conditions at the facility. The most common rule is to collect at minimum for MSW every 2 hours for biomedical waste.

This should be done once every four hours for clinical waste management and every two hours for radioactive waste.


If you’re a major establishment consider the possibility of having a bookkeeping system in place to handle controlled waste, especially radioactive and RCRA hazardous waste.

When you collect the waste you must identify the type of waste you wish to get rid of and assign it a specific number. You can also create an RFID barcode to attach onto the bin.

Containers Are Cross-Contaminated

The contamination of storage containers and medical waste bins is an indication that these containers should be consider medical waste as well.

There is a chance that you could make several use of the container, but you will not be able to take the container to its “clean portion” and then use it for storage of non-waste items.

This is in fact require for RCRA hazardous waste as well as the concept of safety is an excellent reason to make use of the container for any medical wastes which are subject to regulation (e.g. infectious, pathological).

The most notable is that US laws state that all containers that contain hazardous waste must be triple wash (fill with water at minimum 3 (3) times) in addition to washing liquid that needs to be handle in a manner that’s risky.

This allows you to use the container to serve another purpose however; ultimately, it’s creating a lot of debris within the waters. In the event that the containers aren’t important, this approach isn’t often use. Containers are usually dispose of with the garbage they contain.

Community Hazardous Waste Collection

There are many cities which have regular clinical waste bag collection days for homeowners, where authorities provide a location for residents to dump garbage from their homes.

Bio Medical waste is comprise of

  •         Human anatomical wastes such as organs tissues, organs, and organs
  •         Animal wastes from research in vet hospitals
  •         Wastes from microbiology and biotechnology

Sharps that are destroy including hypodermic needles, needles, syringes scalpels for hypodermic needles, as well as glass

Incineration Ash, As With Other Chemical Wastes

These are intend to be strictly for residential/household waste, not from commercial facilities. The different authorities each have its own guidelines regarding clinical waste.

But, generally speaking, these collection days prohibit biomedical waste. They’re not equip for handling the problem.