Okavango Delta Safari

Nature is marvelous with all its creatures whom we live with, but with defined boundaries. There are some countries on our planet that let us experience the wilderness much better than others. When we think of wildlife tourism, South Africa undoubtedly takes the top spot on the list. Parts of the African continent let you get closer to the wild and explore it with all the thrill of adventurous safaris. 

Among the several safari trips one can experience here, Botswana’s Okavango Delta Safari is unmissable. If you haven’t heard much about it, read to know why you must explore this tranquil delta. 

Where is Okavango Delta?

Okavango Delta is located on the northwest side of Botswana. Inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2014, the area has permanent marshlands and seasonally flooded plains. It happens to be the largest freshwater inland system in Africa. 

The unique characteristic of this region is – it is an endorheic delta, and its waters drain into the desert sand of the Kalahari Basin. It is a delta system without an outlet to the sea. The area is an inland oasis that sees some of the incredible wildlife migrations on the planet. 

The landscape is dynamic and keeps changing every year depending on the flow of the Okavango River. Almost 2 million hectares of the permanent swamp and the seasonally flooded region see a presence of the wild. It makes the Okavango Delta Safari a unique experience for all wildlife enthusiasts. 

Wildlife in Okavango Delta 

A beautiful blend of nature’s ecosystem cycles is observed in this part of Botswana. The seasonal floodings and dry seasons in the region have synchronized the biological system of several plants and animals. As UNESCO describes, “it is an exceptional example of the interaction between climatic, hydrological and biological processes.” 

The Okavango Delta is a habitat for some endangered large mammals such as cheetahs, white rhinoceros, black rhinoceros, African wild dogs and African lions. Hippos and Nile crocodiles lurk around the swamps. 

The rich ecosystem has large concentrations of species of birds, animals and fish. More than 500 species of birds and 85 different types of fish have been recorded in the Okavango Delta. 

The wildlife in the area includes African Bush Elephant, African Buffalo, Lechwe, Topi, Blue Wildebeest, Cheetah, Leopard, Spotted Hyena, Greater Kudu, Sable Antelope, Black Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros, Plains Zebra, Warthog and Chacma Baboon. The endangered African Wild Dog survives in this landscape in rich densities. The Okavango Delta Safari thus guarantees an eye-pleasing experience with these sightings in their natural habitat. It has earned the reputation of being one of the top safari destinations in Africa. 

From open grass plains to areas dotted with palm trees, and mopane forests to Papyrus lined waterways, the surroundings of the delta make a trip here equally cherishable. 

Live in the Serene Landscapes 

The Okavango Delta is beautiful and a must-visit for those who love unique wildlife experiences. Living in the Okavango Delta lodges will make you feel closer to the serenity of its wilderness. 

The Okavango Delta Safari is unlike any other, as it comprises sailing through the shallow waters, taking a canoe ride, or camping in remote areas. By choosing the right Okavango Delta lodges, you could be a few metres away from the elephants, zebras, and giraffes. 

There are several beautiful hidden islands and reed banks that you can reach through canoes. This vibrant wetland is teeming with spectacular wildlife, and crystal clear waters where animals splash and play is an unforgettable experience. Closely watching the thriving wildlife in this enchanting oasis is a retreat you would give yourself. 

The changing landscape here gives one all the more reason to visit here more than once and experience the beauty of its transformation. 

The best time to visit here is during the dry season from June-October. But it is best to plan according to your personal preference of the kind of trip you want to take – birding, wildlife, migration etc. It is best to consult experts to plan an Okavango Delta Safari

Plan a Safari Trip With New World Safaris 

If you are considering planning a safari trip to Botswana’s “jewel of the Kalahari”, New World Safari can help you traverse from west to east. Catering to your interests and planning according to your budget, we will provide a foolproof plan and guide to exploring the region. Our all-encompassing Okavango Delta safari has varied activities that take you through uncharted areas. 

If you want to unveil your true explorer side with a tinge of luxury, let us plan for you. Our Okavango Delta lodges have some dome-style tents and premier camps for an exciting safari. Get in touch with New World Safaris, a destination management company that maintains a sustainable approach towards tourism.