
Furniture pieces are the most opulent-looking, space-occupying, and comfort-offering elements of any house. Whether you are buying a bed, a sofa set, side tables, or cabinets, you always want the best for your house since you are going to own these items for a long duration of time. Also, these items eat up a large portion of your home decor budget, you need to be precise about their selection. 

Many things go into buying the right kind of furniture, right from the size and look to the color and quality, but the one thing that you should always prioritize while buying any piece of furniture is the kind of wood used. 

Doesn’t matter how shiny or opulent the furniture looks or how well it matches with other elements of your house, if it is made from poor or wrong quality wood, it wouldn’t last long and it will deter you from enjoying it for the unforeseeable future. 

This is why, in this blog post, we are going to look at the top 5 wood choices for furniture that you should consider while hunting for the best pieces of furniture for your house or office. 

Softwood vs Hardwood

Before you start searching for where to buy wood, it is necessary to first understand the difference between hardwood and softwood. 

Every type of wood obtained from flowing plants is known as hardwood. Some common flowering plants that are used for harvesting hardwood are maple, oak, and walnut. Hardwood is famous for its durability and it requires very less maintenance. 

These kinds of woods are usually used for flooring because it has low sap content and better fire resistance. But it is also a lot more expensive than softwood because it takes a lot of time to grow. 

On the other hand, all the wood obtained from seed-bearing, evergreen trees like spruce, pine, cedar, and redwood is known as softwood. They are a more economical option than softwood and since it lacks vessels, it is also known as non-porous wood. You can get a better finish with softwood since it has better absorbing features especially when adhesives are used. 

Apart from wall claddings, softwood is also used for fittings, scaffolding, and floor coverings. But you have to compromise on the fire resistance ability because softwood has loose grains. However, since it is lightweight, it becomes easy to work with and it is also highly versatile. 

Top 5 types of wood for furniture 


Mahagony is known for its versatility and durability. It is one of the most traditional woods used for making furniture. It features fine and straight grain and it is moderately heavier than all the other options in the list. But since you get a classic and warmer look, there is no need to worry about its weight. The best thing about this wood is it is resistant to rot and water and that makes it ideal for furniture. 


Among all the features of oak, the one that you are going to like the most is it can be finished with many different looks and that’s why you are never going to be confined to limited options. Oak is chosen for furniture since it is dense and just like mahogany, it is long-lasting as well. The beautiful open grain along with unique features like scratch-resistance makes this top the list of woods used for making furniture. 


The chances of not stumbling upon maple while searching for the best woods for making furniture are rare. The maple wears well and the grain is usually closed and straight but in some cases, it can be wavy as well. The unique thing about maple is it is non-toxic and therefore, it can be used in the kitchen as well. And just like oak, it can take all finishes. 


Walnut is popular in the world of furniture because of their toughness, marvelous grain character, and smooth surface. Walnut is also known for being used in World War 1 for making propellers. It is a highly versatile wood that suffers little to no shrinkage over time and that’s why many people prefer walnut when searching how and where to buy wood.


It is a flexible wood with smooth grains and it usually has a rich color that darkens over time. This wood is considered perfect for curved designs in furniture since it steams effortlessly. Just like all the other woods mentioned in this blog post, cherry is highly durable and it also features a smooth texture. 

You should always be conscious about the type of wood being used in the furniture piece that you have selected because if the wood would be of poor quality, the brand, looks, and shine of the furniture wouldn’t save it from quick wear and tear.

What is the cheap wood used for furniture?

When it comes to furniture, the type of wood used can significantly impact the price. Some types of wood are more expensive and luxurious, while others are more affordable and commonly used for budget-friendly furniture. One of the most popular and cheap woods used for furniture is pine. Pine is a widely available softwood and easy to work with, making it an ideal choice for furniture manufacturers. Pine furniture can be stained or painted to achieve various looks, and it is lightweight and durable, making it a great option for casual furniture pieces like bookshelves, bed frames, and dressers.

Another affordable wood commonly used for furniture is plywood. Plywood is made by layering thin sheets of wood together, creating a strong and stable material that is less expensive than solid wood. Plywood is often used as a backing material or as a core for veneer furniture pieces. It can also be used as the primary material for contemporary furniture designs that feature clean lines and simple shapes.