Ways to Help Your Students Better Understand Math and Improve Their Grades

Having a good IB mathematics tutor may make a world of difference for a student having trouble with the subject. Boosting students’ self-confidence and motivating them to continue their education go hand in hand. But how you go about teaching makes all the difference.

Some of the most effective ways to teach math to students are to relate it to their own lives. This gets their attention and makes the material easier to understand. However, no two teachers have the same approach, and no two students are the same. It’s important to get to know your students so you can tailor the way you teach math to how they learn.

Remember that your students’ achievements directly reflect your complete math expert skills and talents. Sometimes it’s not the student that needs the additional aid; sometimes, the teacher’s manner of teaching needs to be better understood by students. Here are some real-world ways to help your students understand math better and get better grades in your classroom.

Few Effective Ways to Help Your Students Better Understand Math 

  • Get the Day’s Lesson Started Off Right

A teacher can only start lecturing after students walk into class. The day’s teachings will have a far better chance of succeeding if the tone and expectations are established at the beginning of the class. Do this as soon as possible, preferably within the first five minutes of class.

Give them a rundown of what they’ll learn today and why it’s important. Once the tone and goals of the session have been set at the beginning, students will be better able to judge for themselves whether or not they have remembered what was taught. If they still don’t get it at the end of class, your pupils are more likely to seek clarification.

  • Give Your Students Access to Learning Materials Online

When students have problems with schoolwork at home, you can’t be there to assist them. If you can’t ensure every student understands the material in class, you must give them things they can use and learn from when you’re away.

There is online content on sites like Tribe Topper that can help your students understand important ideas. Along with key concepts, get answers to past papers, solve mock tests, and take quizzes. 

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions to Your Students

When teaching IB mathematics, it’s helpful to offer students open-ended questions that allow them to respond with an answer and also provide an opportunity to describe their thought process. This will show you how well they understand the material and how well you teach it. That way, you’ll know when to move on to the next arithmetic level.

  • Make it clear to your students that there is more than one way to approach any problem.

Each student has their style and speed of learning; therefore, it’s crucial to demonstrate to them that there is more than one approach to any given challenge. This is only sometimes achievable since different branches of mathematics have different requirements for how problems should be solved. However, you should demonstrate to your pupils that in situations where there are other solutions.

If a student doesn’t understand a concept, giving them another way to look at it or a different point of view could make all the difference in the world. Also, showing people different ways to solve a problem helps them think strategically by opening their minds to new ideas.

According to Oxford Learning, making errors is a major factor in why students dislike math. Even if a student does not get an answer your way, the method they used to get the correct answer is incorrect. That’s why if there are different solutions to a problem, you want to show your students how to boost their odds of obtaining the answers properly.

  • Summary of the Lesson at the End of Class

Take five to seven minutes before class ends to review the material covered and check for comprehension. After each session, it’s a fantastic idea to have students review their homework and choose one issue to do in class so they have something to refer to when they go home.

The final words

Every student is different, and so are their learning patterns, but when a student excels in their exams, their mentor is the happiest person. Therefore, it’s your duty as teachers to take up a different path or approach towards IB mathematics, as it’s not an easy subject but not as hard as a rock mountain. Hence it’s important as a mentor for you to take up a different approach to be a complete mathematics expert.