Using Bach Flower Remedies
Using Bach Flower Remedies

Health is our heritage, our right. It is the complete and full union between soul, mind, and body; and this is not a difficult far-away ideal to attain, but one so easy and natural that many of us have overlooked it.’

These words are quoted by a famous British Medical doctor, Dr. Edward Bach, who developed a form of alternative medicine; The Bach Flower Remedy. He came up with the unique idea of using flowers as a remedy for different emotional and mental states.

So, let’s dive deep into what these remedies are.


There are 38 remedies each for a certain emotional or mental state. All the remedies are developed using wildflowers except for one remedy that is prepared using water from a natural spring with healing properties.

Unlike other remedies, the Bach Flower Remedy is distinctive because it treats the individual and not the disease or the symptoms of the disease.


In the early 1900s, walking through a dew-laden field, it struck Dr. Bach that each dewdrop, heated by the sun, would acquire the healing properties of the plant it lay on. So, he was inspired to prepare remedies using water.

According to him, if we treat negative emotions, our body heals itself. This is hard to believe, however, Dr. Bach proved this right by treating thousands of his patients using the Bach Flower Remedy.


DR. Bach divided the 38 remedies among 7 groups of emotions, representing fundamental disputes that stop us from being trustworthy to ourselves:

– Fear

– Uncertainty

– Insufficient interest in present circumstances

– Loneliness

– Over sensitivity to influences and ideas

– Despondency or Despair

– Over-care for the welfare of others


While the remedies are bliss to the human soul, they are also a blessing for animals, plants, and even human babies. They can be kept for up to 5 years; however, the noticeable effect of the remedy varies according to the individual or the situation.

Now let’s see how we can use the remedy for our benefit:

After choosing the remedy, two drops of each chosen remedy are taken in a cup of water and sipped at intervals. You can also add two drops of the remedy in a 30ml bottle of mineral water, and until relief is obtained you need to take four drops of remedy, four times a day.

The best part is that it is quite safe to take these as often as needed but the dose should be held in the mouth for a few moments before swallowing. For babies, drops of remedies can be added to the baby’s bottle or can be given in juice.

Today, private individuals, medical and complementary health practitioners, psychotherapists, counselors, dentists, vets, and healers are using these safe, gentle remedies worldwide to treat their patients. This is the reason that thousands of testimonials confirming the effectiveness of remedies have been received from patients and practitioners over the years at the Bach Centre at Mount Vernon in Oxfordshire.


While the remedies are in their safest form, they may lead to suppressed symptoms like rashes which are only temporary. There are no adverse effects of the remedies on our bodies.

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Emma Thompson
Emma Thompson is a certified health coach and a fitness enthusiast. She is dedicated to helping people improve their overall health and well-being by adopting healthy habits and making positive lifestyle changes. With over 7 years of experience in the field, Emma has written extensively on a wide range of health topics, including nutrition, fitness, stress management, and holistic health. Her mission is to empower and inspire others to take charge of their health and transform their lives. In her free time, Emma enjoys hiking, practicing yoga, and experimenting with healthy recipes in the kitchen.