Wrist tendonitis is when inflammation in the tendon connects forearm muscles to hand bones. It causes pain while making a fist, lifting an object, or performing repetitive wrist movements. The six tendons control wrist, fingers, and hand. Irritation or wrist pain affects these tendons. Overuse of tendons causes an injury like a sprain. If you are searching for therapists in jersey city to treat tendonitis, knee pain and other conditions Complete Medical Wellness has a team of therapists to help you get rid of the condition.  

The most common type of this condition is de Quervain’s tendinitis. It affects the tendons near the thumb. The tendon irritation on the pinkie side of the hand is known as ulnar tendinitis.  

Who is affected by wrist tendinitis?  

People perform activities that put pressure on the wrists. Mothers or childcare providers that hold and lift babies for hours daily are at risk; it is also known as “mommy’s wrist.”   

Other risk factors include  

Assigned female at birth.  

People at the age of 40.  

People with a history of lateral epicondylitis or tendon injury.  

A job involving repetitive wrist movement like a hair stylist or cake decorator, keyboard typing, or using heavy machinery.  

People with a health condition like diabetes, osteoarthritis, gout, or rheumatoid arthritis.   

Having multiple infections  

Sports that put pressure on the wrists, like gymnastics and basketball.  

Poor arm, hand, or wrist position while typing or doing other activities.  


A new activity that affects wrists.  

Pushing in pain.  

Is wrist tendinitis a common condition   

Wrist tendinitis is a rare condition. It occurs only in 1.3% of women and 0.5% of men.  

Causes of wrist tendinitis  

Wrist tendinitis occurs as a result of repetitive pressure on your wrist tendons. Overuse of tendon sheath (a lubricated tissue layer surrounding tendons) can irritate it and lead to the tendon’s inflammation or enlargement. It hardens the tendons to glide smoothly and causes compression on the tendon, making wrist and finger movement painful.  

Symptoms of wrist tendinitis   

Wrist tendinitis symptoms include   

Difficulty performing movements like jar opening or turning doorknobs, lifting pets, babies, or children.  

Stiffness, catching and popping sensation while moving fingers or wrists.  

Swelling around the wrist or bases of fingers.  

Wrist pain, especially along the wrist near the pinkie finger or thumb.  

How to diagnose wrist tendonitis?  

The healthcare provider performs a physical examination and reviews symptoms. He will press on certain body parts like the forearm, wrist, hand, or fingers to observe swelling and tenderness. Your care providers can ask you to perform movements like rotating the wrist or forming a fist to identify the pain source.  

In some cases, wrist tendinitis symptoms are similar to other conditions affecting the fingers and wrist like  

  • Arthritis cause inflammation and painful swelling in joints  
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome is nerve compression in the wrist leading to tingling and numbness.  
  • Trigger finger occurs inflamed tendons causing the finger to be stuck in a bent position.  
  • Wrist fractures or bone breakage.  

To eliminate this situation, healthcare providers can also order imaging scans like X-rays, MRIs, or ultrasounds.  

How to treat wrist tendinitis?  

The patient can find relief from wrist tendonitis through a combination of nonsurgical treatments. The healthcare provider recommends  


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory can reduce inflammation and pain. Sometimes, the care provider recommends steroid injections near finger joints or wrists.  

Occupational or physical therapy   

Therapists in new jersey can help you regain strength, mobility, and range of motion in your fingers and wrist. They can also guide your routine movements like lifting objects or typing with reduced wrist pain.  


The significant treatment for wrist tendinitis is rest. Stop pushing in wrist pain, and try avoiding typing, lifting heavy weights, or rotating wrists until your tendon heals.   

Rice method:  

Home remedies like rest, ice, compression, and elevation help minimize wrist pain and swelling. Ice your wrist for 20 minutes after two hours, and keep it above heart level. Ensure to place a towel between ice and skin to prevent skin injuries.  


A supportive device to immobilize the wrist and fingers. Your care provider can recommend a customized splint, or you may use an off-the-shelf splint for stabilizing your wrist,  

Do you need surgery for wrist tendinitis?  

If the symptoms of wrist tendinitis don’t approve after months of conservative treatments, you may require surgery. The wrist tendon surgery involves   

The surgeon may clean damaged tissue from the tendon sheath.  

They make tiny cuts in the tendon sheath to release the tendon, providing it more place for movement.  

Most of this procedure is outpatient, so the care providers may not detain you in the hospital overnight. They will provide local, regional, or general anesthesia. After two weeks, the surgeon will wrap a bandage on your wrist and remove the stitches.   

Complications or risks of wrist tendinitis surgery  

Wrist tendinitis is a low-risk surgery, but like other medical procedures, it carries risks, including   

  1. Infection   
  1. Nerve damage   
  2. Pin and needles or pain sensation in your fingers or wrists.  
  3. Incomplete wound healing.  
  4. Formation of scar tissue   
  5. Tendon subluxation   


Some of the wrist tendonitis prevention tips include  

  1. Stop overusing tendons of the hand or wrist.  
  2. Quit smoking   
  3. Wrist stretching before physical activities.  
  1. Take breaks often if you are involved in an occupation that requires typing or activities that put pressure on your wrists.  
  2. Use a protective brace or wrist splint.   


People who respond correctly to the treatment can save themselves from long-term wrist pain or damage. As your wrist heal, physical or occupational therapy help you in improving mobility and strength in your wrist. Therapists can guide you about the activities with less stress on the wrists.   

After a tendon injury, there are chances of injury again. You must protect your wrists while indulging in sports or performing repetitive movements.  

When to contact a healthcare provider  

Contact a healthcare provider if   

  1. You have limited wrist or finger movement.  
  2. Need help to grasp objects or make a fist.  
  3. Only able to hold objects for a short time.  
  1. Sudden, severe pain in the wrist, fingers, or hands.  
  2. Notice discoloration or swelling around the wrist.  

A note from Complete Medical Wellness.  

Tendonitis is tendon inflammation connecting the lower arm to the finger bones. The condition causes pain when lifting objects, gripping, or moving your wrist or fingers.   

Wrist tendon pain goes with rest, medications, injections, and splinting; People may also need surgery. The healthcare providers, surgeons, and physical therapists from Complete Medical Wellness help you with proper diagnosis and treat you to get back to your normal life. 

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Emma Thompson
Emma Thompson is a certified health coach and a fitness enthusiast. She is dedicated to helping people improve their overall health and well-being by adopting healthy habits and making positive lifestyle changes. With over 7 years of experience in the field, Emma has written extensively on a wide range of health topics, including nutrition, fitness, stress management, and holistic health. Her mission is to empower and inspire others to take charge of their health and transform their lives. In her free time, Emma enjoys hiking, practicing yoga, and experimenting with healthy recipes in the kitchen.